Monday, 7 December 2009

Learn some words

Note: ANT = Antonym
INDICT:  to formally charge somebody, to accuse somebody

INTERDICT: to ban something, to prohibit something

EQUANAMITY: Evenness of temper even under the pressure situation ANT: Volatility

INEPT: incompetent, inexpert, unable to handle the job ANT: Adept

ABASH: to make somebody ashamed,embarrassed or uncomfortable

AGGRAVATE: to annoy somebody, to irritate somebody, make something worse,exacerbate
ANT: Alleviate

CONJECTURE: guesswork, speculation

LUDICROUS: abusardly ridiculous because of being absurd, prepostorous,absurd

QUIBBLE: to make petty objections, make trivial objections

PREVARICATE: get out of telling truth, to avoid giving truth or honest answer especially by
             quibbling or being deliberately ambiguous or misleading

RECRIMINATION: accuse an accuser, counter accusation, to accuse somebody who has already
               brought an accusation, counterattack, retaliatory    ANT: placation

EMBOLDEN: To give somebody courage or boldness

DISMAY:  To discourage somebody, to cause somebody to feel disappointed.

PRESUMPTUOUS: rude and arrogant, disrespectful, overconfident especially doing something
              for which he is not qualified or entitled

INDISPENSABLE: neccessary, unavoidable, essential  ANT: dispensable

DEFER: (1)postpone something
       (2)concede the merit of someone or accept the merit of someone

VEHEMENT: something done focefully, intense, heated, fervent (e.g. a vehement protest)

SALVATION: act of saving somebody or something from harm, redemption, rescue, recovery

RESILIENCE: Ability to recover from the setbacks quickly, elasticity, pliability, flexibility

ALLEGIANCE: devoted support, loyality, commitment, adherence, faithfulness

PREPONDERANT:  larger in number, greater in number, power, or importance than something else of
               the same nature or class

ENGENDER: to create, to produce, to cause something to do so, arise, bring out

SAGACITY:  wisdom, discernment, knowledge, erudition, prudence, discretion

COHERENT:  speaking logically, logically consistent, sound, reasonable, reasoned

COMPREHENSIBLE:  understandable, intelligible, clear, logical, coherent, lucid, graspable

IRASCIBLE:  quick tempered, easily provoked to anger, irritable, petulant ANT: easygoing

CORROBORATE: exemplify, give strong evidence for something, verify, validate ANT: contradict

APOCRYPHAL: not true, probably not true but generally belived as true, mythical, fictional

OBTRUDE:  push oneself or his opinions, impose yourself on other people.

REPREHENSIBLE: highly unacceptable,deserving to be censured, inexcusable, shameful,bad
               disgraceful ANT: praiseworthy

TRAVESTY: to mock or imitate something in distorted manner such that they appear ridiculous

FORTITUDE: strength and endurance in painful or difficult situation, determination, stamina

SQUALID: neglected, dirty, without having fine quality, lacking honesty, morality, filthy

SOLIDARITY: mutual agreement, team spirit, harmony or interest or commonality, unity

QUIXOTIC:  impractical, motivated by idealism overlooking practical considerations, idealstic,
           unrealistic ANT: down to earth

REPREHEND: to criticize or reprove somebody or something, express strong disapproval of

DOCILE:  tractable, easy to control, unlikely to cause trouble, easy to teach

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